Picking A Winner

This is Ross Sr. (my father-in-law) better known by Boogie, the nickname his mama gave him as an infant.

In going through my storage unit the other day, I found the piece of shrapnel that wounded him while serving as a gunner in Okinawa, the folded flag that we received at his funeral a few years back and the 4D belt buckle he wore for the last 30 years of his life.

He was neither a loser nor a sucker, just in case you were wondering. 

A big ole Fuck You, you Tangerine Tyrant. You are the biggest loser of all.

PS....inspired or challenged by Colette at The Aging Female Baby Boomer to share loved ones who served.


  1. That man, I will not call him the P word, he doesn’t deserve the title, is a disgrace!

  2. my sperm donor was drafted at 18 and served in italy during WWII. he was not a sucker.

    the dump's daddy paid someone to go to 'nam in dump's place. the dump is a pussy.

  3. The USA fought fascists and tyrants and now lets them run government.

  4. Thank you for posting this remembrance of Boogie. Yes, a big ole fuck you to the tangerine tyrant. He's such a schmuck.

  5. The Mango Mussolini gets no respect from this vet.

  6. No. No loser or sucker, your Boogie. A brave man. Unlike... well, you know.


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