Making A Wish!

Today is my birthday and I am happier than I have ever been in my life.

It's not because things are perfect, they are not. If I had control, I would change a few things to better suit me. I would certainly interfere in my kids lifes and make some changes, "fix" their problems. I've all but given that up, except when I slip. I don't have any control, magic power or godlike vision, so I have stopped trying. Increasing happiness is the result.

Another reason? I stopped listening to my own damn thoughts as if they were truths. My thoughts....they didn't like me much. In fact, at times, they were down right abusive. They are still there, whispering my lack of worthiness, reminding me where I've failed, but I just don't listen to them much anymore. It's great! If you aren't doing it, give it a try.

Finally....the big one....gratitude. I can look at all the bad or I can look at all the good. It's a choice. While not perfectly, I generally choose gratefulness.

Today, I am grateful for the thoughts that no longer plague me, for giving up the illusion of control and for the love I get to experience every single day.

Off to lunch with friends. Namaste.


  1. It is your birthday, Yay! Have a wonderful day, Linda.

  2. WOO HOO! BIRFDAY! may all good things come your way this year! and I gave you a shout-out on my blog!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hear the 40s are fabulous!! :-) ((Hugs))

  4. Happy birthday, Linda. Well done! You deserve the best!

  5. Happy Happy Birthday! Wishing you many more!!

  6. Happy Birthday to you! And many more!

  7. Happy birthday! I am reading this a day late and hope you had a great treat.

  8. Beautiful. I hope you had a nice birthday.

  9. Happy happy belated birthday to you. Hope your lunch was celebratory and delightful in every way. Namaste.

  10. Late to the party but I hope your birthday was wonderful. Sounds like you've found the most perfect gift of all within yourself.


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