Dishing the Dirt

Gossip is a bad habit, yet many do it on a daily basis.

I've been know to seek out the false intimacy of a juicy bit to share. I never like myself afterwards but would keep it going with the best of them.

Learning to build real intimacy with people I trust has helped quell that need. I feel proud when it's going on and don't take part.

Lunch with a dear friend the other day reminded me how much I have changed. A mutual friend came up in discussion, then a suggestive comment was thrown out, then an outright worm loaded hook waiting for me to take the bait. I smiled, redirected, then had to redirect two more times. I'm getting pretty competent at zigging and zagging through the landmines. Team Linda 10 points. I may eventually prove to be a boring lunchmate for some. That's ok, I can handle that.

It is never too late to teach an old dog new tricks!


  1. We used have a neighbor in Portland that was the gossiper of the neighborhood. She always had something to say about someone. We avoided her. :) Have a wonderful weekend and hope it's not too smokey for you.

  2. That's wonderful! We can still learn. Huzzah!

  3. I was going to say HUZZAH too but Lilycedar beat me to it! Oh well, HUZZAH anyway. You can never have too many HUZZAHs!

  4. Oh how I know that feeling of avoiding the land mines of gossip. If that is what the conversation in a group is about, they are pretty boring people.

  5. Yeah you! I told a friend once after our shared hairdresser talked about her that if she talks about someone else she is talking about me too to someone else. So I left that hairdresser.

  6. Well done zigging and zagging! Big smiles from me!


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