The Spirit Is Willing But The Body Is............

This is the Boy Scouts birthday "weekend". That's his take on it. As a woman with 5 siblings and 4 grown children, honestly, I am birthday'd out. I don't give a rats ass about my own. Give me a card, tell me you love me and I'm good. Not so much him.

One of the things we are doing is celebrating a housewarming for our friends. The home they built is luxurious and in a gated community. It is located in the foothills of the small town of Ojai, which is known for its citrus, warmth (heat!) and interesting mix of good ol' boys, horse people, artists, intellectuals and spiritualists. Krishnamurti, with a decent following, lived and died in the town thats unofficial motto is "There's nothing to do in Ojai, and not enough time to do it."

This evening is complex for me for a few reasons. They drink, a bit too much sometimes and the gent starts to change. I don't like the more edgy, slightly belligerent conversations and feel my anxiety rising just writing about it. Additionally, they are POOL focused. While I understand how nice a pool would be if living in Ojai, I'm not much of a pool person. Chlorine dries me up to a wrinkled prune and makes my eyes itch, the hair thing is just a pain .....and.....finally the bathing suit.

I didn't have one, so reluctantly, I stopped at the local suit shop to pick one up (as if it was as easy as that). I felt myself shut down the minute I walked in. This 56 year old body has changed in the last three years and I am having trouble loving it. A lot of trouble.  Seeing it in a suit is way down low on my "Won't that be fun" list. Admittedly, I had a good cry in the car.  

I want to be a good sport. 

Right now, I am thinking of throwing the overpriced suit in the trash and saying "fuck it", I'll just watch you guys from the edge. We will see.

Self love Linda. That body of yours has birthed 4 beautiful humans, has run more miles than you could count, supported you through thick and thin, kept you breathing when breathing hurt and has allowed you to hold the people you love. Love the now dimpled legs that took you running, love the tiny breasts that are too small to sag, love the crepey skin on your arms. love those wrinkles on your face. You earned them.

Stop assessing your vessel from a warped society's' point of view and love this beautiful, hardworking bod. Stop listening as you and your sisters are critique and advised: She's not hard on the eye's (oh, does that mean we others are?), You should smile more (because why?), Nothings better than having a nice piece of ass on my arm (thank you Mr President), Is that what you're wearing? (You betcha!)

I keep trying.....


  1. ooh tough one, bathing suit, hanging at a pool with strangers or not. I would have the same anxiety. I LOVE pools, no sharks. :-) I admit I was shocked that you live in CA and don't have a suit when I am land locked and have 5.
    I get birthday weekends. I love them. I want birthday weeks. My favorite holiday is my birthday. But I won't ask you to wear a suit to my party - promise!!

  2. I with you for my birthday. It’s another day. Time with family is all I want or need.

    I can’t get into pool water without suffering from bladder issues later. I would have no problem staying out of a pool. As for a suit...don’t get me started. Do what feels comfortable. Be proud of your body either way!

  3. Oh, I would be on the sidelines. I love to swim. I don't like to among people I know unless they are the maybe 10 I'd feel OK on that with. Maybe you don't have to stay so long. Or maybe it will be better than you think. Well, you are loved and I'd send you a card if I knew where to send it. But I'll admit, I also like extending the celebration! Good luck. I know you'll be fine. You are strong and smart and have something to say -- and if it's not great, you can leave. (Drive separately or have cab money!)

  4. ok, "I am allergic to chlorine" should take care of the pool problem. wear what you want, and busy yourself somewhere else at the house.

    just curious, but WHY a housewarming party in the midst of coronavirus?

    YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. my fave body positive song:

    1. It’s just the 4 of us and we keep our distance. Except for the damn pool thing. Thats a good enough reason to not do it.

  5. Ugh. That pool party sounds like my idea of hell.

  6. Does not sound like fun, pool party. But then again, have a go, why would the others feel more comfortable than you do. Maybe it's awkward for all at first.


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