I Had It Wrong

To my girl:

I am sorry. 

I am sorry that I didn't know how much anger and pain I carried. That my pain showed itself in rage, which must have been so scary. That you walked on eggshells. That I didn't recognize your anxiety and depression for what it was. That my feelings of discomfort and anxiety were heaped on your shoulders. That you couldn't tell me who you were. That your body image was damaged by me. That, in my discomfort of not being enough, I forced you to behave in a way that was not you. 

In trying to do my "best", I did harm.

You are beautiful inside and out. You are perfect, whomever you love. You are not responsible for how anyone feels at any time, ever. You will always be my girl but I still have a lot of growing to do. I will keep trying to improve my "best".


  1. So sad to read but thank you, courage in honesty.

  2. This is the first time I have seen your blog. It won't be the last. I can only guess at the "story" behind this entry, but that does not prevent me from admiring the way you so frankly own your feelings. Wishing you welll

  3. Sending a hug across the continent, Linda.

  4. look at how you have grown! I hope you and your daughter can come to an understanding. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

  5. You are so brave. I hope your daughter realizes this.


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