Down and Dirty in America

 During this time of pandemic, I've come to a few conclusions.

I don't think capitalism works for a betterment society anymore. Wasn't that the point in the first place?

  • Through the last 6 months, what I have seen is that the poor took more than their fair share of the pandemic on their backs: If they kept working, they risked exposing themselves and their families (and often extended families) to the virus. Somehow many of them became "essential workers".
  • Small business got hit hard while, somehow, Target and Costco became "essential businesses".
  • As a small business person, I looked for money to no avail. I was really lucky because I happened to be on someone's payroll for part of 2019. My friends that are also small business owners have not been so lucky.
  • Mortgage "help" was not help, at least not from my mortgage company nor anyone else's that I've spoken to. A delay in paying my mortgage does not help. How is one suppose to come up with a balloon payment of 10's of thousands of $$$ during a financial crises?
  • Many people lucky enough to have health insurance, LOST IT when they were let go, laid off, and furloughed. And while OBAMACARE was available to them, they had to know it and apply for it in a timely manner. Unfortunately, our government didn't deem it important to get that word out. Quite the opposite. Not to mention the fact that I consider myself moderately intelligent and fairly computer savvy and found that it is NOT easily accessible. I know, I've tried.
  • Banks got money, loads of money (my money, I might tax dollars)
  • The wealthy got A LOT WEALTHIER during this time. No financial burden on them. 
  • I watched as the people that got wealthy by running companies that do not pay living wages take federal money (MY MONEY) to supposedly keep their underpaid employees on the payroll. What they didn't do is take pay cuts or put some of their wealth back into the companies that MADE THEM WEALTHY in the first place. NO.....they decided that instead, they would use MY MONEY to bolster their businesses, with no actual accountability of keeping their employees on the payroll. 
Today I am failing at being ZEN. I'm American and I'm mad that we have lost, at this moment, 166,345 lives (an inordinate amount being the elderly, black and the poor)  with a growing case count topping 5,200,000 and the President t says, "It is what it is." while he hands out money to the rich and influential. 

The rich are run amok. Is that part of capitalism? If it is, capitalism is starting to sound like a dirty word.


  1. I'm a senior on a limited income. Don't know what the future will bring. Food prices are rising, utilities offer no breaks aside from no late payments, and Covid continues to rage on.

    1. It is a precarious time with little comfort from the people in charge.

  2. capitalism began to turn dirty with saint ronnie raygun. and it's gotten worse. more have-nots than haves. and the haves don't give five fat flying fucks about the have-nots.

    1. With a few exceptions, I believe you are right.

  3. I've tasted both worlds: communism and capitalism. Each world with its few advantages and many disadvantages. The problem seems to be with democracy (rule of the majority) - it's fake, and ultimately leads to corruption and destruction everywhere, regardless of system.

  4. Speaking to the choir here sister. :-) As a small business I got jack shit unless I wish to get another loan and be further in debt. Those that got clemency or grants were the Starbucks, Chiptotle etc. Not us little guys. Here is my question how does the gdp drop 32% yet the stock market "they" say is sky rocketing. Are the numbers being manipulated by the orange ass in charge? Because during the depression the gdp was 30%. higher now and yet stocks soaring? Hmm... Now, I could just not understand all of this but something feels not quite right to me.

  5. Capitalism has never had the betterment of society as its purpose. Its only purpose has ever been the creation of private wealth through exploitation of the lives and labour of others. Jeez, I sound like Marx and Engels this morning, LOL!

    1. I'm no may be right. What I know for sure is what we have right now isn't working out for a whole lot of people.

    2. I agree wholeheartedly with Debra. Capitalism without strict limits and strict requirements on the top earners (corporations and some obscenely wealthy individuals) is a recipe for human exploitation and misery. I've said for years that I'm not opposed to some people having more than others, but what infuriates me is how some people have more money than they can ever spend while large numbers of people have nothing.

  6. I agree that capitalism has been pushed as far as it can go, to the point where it has ceased to function for all but those who have exploited it to the max. Like all outmoded systems, it now demands radical re-thinking and adaptation to an overpopulated, ecologically exploited planet. It's an open question, whether our species is up to that task, or whether it will self-destruct and leave the planet to be occupied by other, smarted species.

  7. Capitalism benefits all those caring stockholders, the rich get richer and the hard workering families who could use some help get screwed. Orange man doesn't care at all about onything except making himself and his family wealthier. Small businesses over here are suffering too, many are closing but there is help available for some of them.

  8. I am really inclined to agree. The concept is good; the reality, as it has been in recent years, is less so. You say it beautifully.

  9. The stock market is batter than it was at the start of this pandemic. That’s all that matters to those in charge. I hear ya!


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