Doing My Best

Business is slow, spotty at best. I have a contract so monetarily it is still going ok but that doesn't mean it will continue that way. The end of the year and the new contract is coming soon. I cannot help but wonder if the future is going to have some changes that will affect ours lives in a negative way. This city we live in is far from affordable.

That being said, I am breathing and trying not to borrowing trouble. If I make myself sick over possible changes, I steal from this moment that is mine to enjoy. Nothing is wrong right now....this very moment.

It's hard for me to know the difference between living in the moment, acceptance and being an ostrich. This is a road I haven't travelled before. 

Breathe Linda...breathe.

Find your Invincible Summer. It's in there. Deep breath in, blow slowly out. Notice the knot in your stomach. You don't have to act or try to get rid of it, all you need to do is notice it is there.

Remember, you are ok right now.


  1. We live in times of great uncertainty, but we shouldn't let that affect our health.
    Breathing deeply and slowly is good technique. I pray to God, asking for guidance. One tries to do one's best.

  2. That's all you can do is your best. It's a strange world right now. On my way home this morning I saw a little girl with her grandmother and she had on her school uniform. I can't image what her parents are thinking with their child back in school. Will she get the virus, I hope not. I felt sad for her, she was so very young. I think everyone is worried about something right now. You have the right attitude, do your best!
    Wishing you a happy September.

    1. Yes Bill, I feel for the young families. So hard. I cannot imagine going through this when I had 4 youngsters at home. So much turmoil.

  3. we have no control over the future. so let's do this (a blast from the past):

  4. Wishing you relief from uncertainty and anxiety, those terrible feelings.

  5. Uncertainty affects many, it helps me to remember that I am not the only one.
    Take care!

  6. You know what to do and you're doing it. Just have a plan B in the back of your mind and hope you don't need it.


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