As Good As It Gets

Morning! Happy Monday. It's going to be a lovely day on the coast.

I was going to talk a little about COVID but it was going down a rabbit hole so I deleted it and started over.

Life is good here. In this time of pandemic, I am living vicariously through many of you. Taking trips to lakes, visiting the english countryside, doing Saturday Night Protest Parties which are a lot of fun, watching a nurse and his dogs come out of the grieving process, satisfying my deep need for a rich spiritual center with a number of bloggers who are wise and generous with their experience, enjoying the artistry of photographers from around the world, rubbing elbows with women of a certain age as we go through similar struggles, and just catching up with the lives of blogging friends.

I am wishing each and every one of my limited readership a excellent day while staying safe.


  1. Maya had it right! I wish that kind of day for you Linda.

  2. You're right, Linda -- the only way to travel the world right now is through blogs!

    1. For the time being. It will be something my kids will tell their grandkids...I remember when a pandemic hit the world and.......

  3. dr. maya was a great woman. and what a lovely photograph! hope you and the boy scout are having a good safe day!

  4. OMG is this photo gorgeous! I may just sit and stare at it for awhile. THANK YOU!

  5. Our lives would be so much smaller without this wonderful internet connection. It is so important during this time of the pandemic. Yes, our lives are enriched!

  6. A good day back to you, Linda. Nice quote too.

  7. Thank you for this uplifting post.

    Oh yes, how dismal it would be if all we did was to merely survive. It does feel like it sometimes but only briefly.

    1. Yes Sabine. I revert to survival at times but then I remember and get on with things as best I can.

  8. I am doing the same. I visit far more interesting places online than I probably would in real life!


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