All In The Family

Highlight of the month so far. Zoom meeting with all 4 kids.

It was wonderful and natural.

Haley (32) showed up a little early.  I would expect that and it makes me smile. She is in the Denver area and only just bearing the summer heat. She was sporting a super cute new haircut and seemed serious but content. We got a look at Baby, her 9 year old cat, sleeping the afternoon away. Haley has always been, and still is,  a mama bear to her siblings. I love that about her.

Scott (27) showed up next and right on time, just as expected. He is walking and talking, with a big smile. He walks all over Portland but not for long. He and his partner are headed for a 2 year stint in Norwich (rhymes with porridge) England, where she will study and he will work remotely. I am so excited for them.

McKenna (Gigi 24) shows up a little later which is just like her. She's not here at home but at her new mans house. Smiling, she is a little quiet. I text her and ask if she wants to introduce Zack to her siblings, as they haven't yet met him. She ignores and doesn't introduce.....totally ok, her choice. Also, he might have been a bit shy to do that. She will taking a birthday trip to see Ross in the bay area in two weeks. Hopefully, the fires and the weather will settle down a bit by then.

Ross (29) shows up about a 1/2 hour late. Totally expected that. He's still at the office. His hair is long and he has scrubby facial hair. I like it. He talks about school. He is applying for his masters program in microbiology at a number of different schools but hoping for Portland State, which means he would head up to Portland just as Scott is leaving 😶. He spoke of his new girlfriend and an eventual PhD.

Their love for each other is apparent. My heart is full and I can't help but smile. What a lucky woman I am.

The whole gang a few years ago


  1. what a lovely family portrait! your kids sound like mature, intelligent, caring adults. mos def a credit to your raising them.

  2. Not a trump supporter among them. That’s saying something.

  3. Love that family portrait. So lovely.
    We tried a Zoom meeting with Roger's kids last week. It was our second Zoom experience. So far, I'm not a big fan of it, but I'm hoping to get used to it.

    1. Keep trying! It gets better. I do three ACA meetings a week via Zoom and one gets accustom.

  4. You are well and truly blessed, Linda.

  5. That IS a highlight! What a beautiful family and how wondeful to be all together again -- even if it's still only online.


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