A Few of My Favorite Things

John at Going Gently inspired me to put a few of my favorite things in this post. Much of this artwork belongs to the Boyscout. While he was collecting art, I was frantically trying to get to 3 soccer games, dance class, cleaning  house, supply nourishing food to 5 other humans and working full time. Now that I have slowed down, I get to enjoy his passion.

I love this because it could be me with my two boys 25 years ago.It is the main street in Carpinteria California (clearly, I need to dust).

This is a typical sight around here (at least it is from January to June). The eucalyptus, and the ever present Oak, is quite common.

This is also a local scene by artist Pam Schiffer. Our community has strong farming roots so fields are interspersed in the city and prominent outside city proper. The pic doesn't do this justice. It is really quite lovely and subtle.

Made by my mother, I treasure few things but this is one.

This little gal and her sister guard the front door.

We picked this up at the Vanves flea market just south of Paris.

This Tangelo painting is a watercolor by local artist, Gail Faulkner. It is one of my favorites. Our community is the perfect climate for citrus and avocado.

Another local artist, Arturo Tello,  and local scene. The Carpinteria bluffs during the fall. If you look hard, you can see a peek of the Pacific Ocean just past the bluffs.

My favorite wall of all.


  1. I love the needlepoint! and I am guessing the last pix are your kids and the boy scout.

  2. Nice collection! Pictures do make a difference in our lives...

  3. Art adds a nice touch to a home. That is a wonderful collection and your family photos are a great reminder of the people you love. Love Arturo Tello's painting, a wonderful scene and the touch of a view of the ocean is great. Thanks for sharing, Linda and have a wonderful day.

  4. This is a lovely collection. Great family photos!

  5. THe Schiffer, Teller and print from Vanves are especially calling me. I love seeing people's special things.

  6. Art makes every house a home! Some lovely pieces here!

  7. Beautiful and I too like the last one best! If you ever wish to "will" me a few I'll take the dog scuplture your mom made. Gorgeous!! what a talent. And the last wall art by Arturo Tello :-)

  8. Favorite things! Wonderful post!


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