Tilting The Balance

Life is quiet. 

I am fighting it.During this COVID outbreak, it would be a good time to adjust, stay home a bunch, eat a lot of healthy, home cooked, non-processed foods, read more, fill my journal. But I am a rebellious teenager, pushing back on the restrictions (within reason). I wear a mask, I wash and alco-gel often but I don't stay home much.

Why not? I suppose it has to do with the fact that when I am home, I have a hard time shifting gears to just enjoying it and often see it as tasks to be done. I don't love to sit and watch tv or read. I consume many books but the majority are audio which I take in while puttering in the garden, scrubbing the floors, any menial task that allows my mind to focus on the words but lets my body keep moving.

Something inside me fights it. The slowing down. It might be that I associate it with the elderly and how they conserve their energy (often in front of a television). I want to keep going. Keep limber. Get my heartrate up.

Truthfully, I need some balance. I'll be sure to try for some tomorrow. Today I am going golfing.


  1. DO NOT SIT! bad for your body and mind. go outside. have fun.

  2. Stay as safe as you can while out and about!

  3. So this is why California is so high in covid - no one can stay home. :-)
    I think there may be a lesson in why being still is so uncomfortable.

    1. Hahahahaha.....we Californians are a piece of work.

  4. It's good to stay safe and find a balance. Sheltering in place gets very, very old. We walk three miles a day to try and stay somewhat sane.

    1. You two are amazing! I'm not as zen as you.

  5. I can see where it would be hard for you. Me? I'm very content on home turf. It doesn't get old for me and I miss very little of my other life, apart from key-event invitations (weddings, for example) or a bit of spontaneity. But I'm in this to win it however long it takes. I hope you can find the peace at home you need.

    1. I need some of your contentedness. Can you pass it along?

  6. Being active outside these days can be risky. Stay safe.

    1. Doing my best. Well.....trying hard anyways.

  7. My weirdo introverted self is loving parts of this Covid-19 shutdown. I have no problem staying at home all day long reading or puttering in the yard or endlessly feeding these two grandkids snacks. (My God! They want to eat not stop!!) Like Jeannie I miss very little of my old life.

  8. I go out early everyday, around 8ish and walk five miles. I only see one or two people and we just say hi and keep on moving. Then again, Dungloe only about 1200 people. Today , my wife and I went on the bus to another town, I had a dentist appointment. Everyone has to wear a mask on public transportation. We didn't feel very comfortable but everything went well. Whatever you do, stay safe!


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