This and That

Morning and happy Saturday,

It's overcast here and just a little bit on the chilly side. It's so funny how a few years ago I would have been bundled up and freezing. I was almost always cold. One of the many benefits of menopause. I run a little warmer than I used to. One of the drawbacks has been the the 10 lb weight gain mostly in my backside and belly. I work hard at loving my body and am up to the challenge. I'll get there.

I've spending more time in the tropical garden that I inherited from the previous owner and the addition/revamp of my garage/granny flat is ongoing. We've had some setbacks but are moving forward. Impossible to keep this old house clean while construction is going on, which can make me a little crazy.

Lately, I've been enjoying the blog  NO WAY CAFE. It's filled with wisdom and love and it reminds me to move inward at any given time. 

Off to try some beach yoga. Have a great day.


  1. an exotic garden! how interesting! have a good weekend!

    1. It’s not my first choice but it’s what I have so I’m trying to make the best of it.

  2. Beach yoga sounds wonderful! I love your tropical garden. It is so foreign to what’s here. Beautiful!

  3. Your garden does look lovely there.

  4. Your tropical garden is gorgeous. I've been cold all my life until I hit menopause too, except I gained 35 lbs. Yikes.

    1. It’s a bitch isn’t it? Don’t worry, I’ve been heading on a steady upwards direction. I’ll catch you up soon enough

  5. Wow, you really DO have a tropical garden! So lush and green!

    1. Most of it is fairly water wise too. Bonus when one lives in California.

  6. What a haven in your tropical garden. I would spend a lot of time there, too!


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