Has It Hit Close To Home?

About 4 years ago my youngest, who loves cars, found herself a mechanic who turned out to be a bit of a surrogate father. Kevin is my age and has grown boys of his own but he has looked out for my girl in sweet ways, helping with her cars, advising her what to buy (even though she didn't listen), and being a go to when things have been rough, offering her rides when her car broke down, etc.  He came into her life at a sweet time. Her dad, who she adores, was unable to be a dad in the true sense. In fact, being that she is the only sibling that is local, she oftens times has to care for him rather than the other way around.

For the last few years, she has said that she wants to marry a man like Kevin.

The other day she told me that he had been very sick and then found out he has COVID19. He is on the mend but it has been a long, rocky, rough road.

Kevin is the one and only person that I know that has contracted the virus. Being that we had close to 7,000 new cases just yesterday, I don't think he will be the last.

How about you? Do you know anyone who has had the virus?


  1. no, spouse and I don't know anyone who has COVID-19. I know some people who SHOULD get it, starting in the federal guvmint...

  2. I know of two "friends of a friend" who brought back the virus from Mexico in March, but otherwise the corona virus has not touched my immediate circle of family and friends, thank goodness.

  3. Oh I wish I could say no to this. My good friends mom died from Covid-19. No, she was not in a nursing home. A man in my neighbor hood of only 41 years old also died. And one dear, dear friend of mine in NYC, her husband got it and he passed. He passed very quickly. I am not certain that is good or bad. Yep I know someone, too many. As Anne Marie said, if only Mango Mussolini would get it, get on a ventilator and his thumbs must be removed so not twittering. Kevin sounds like a real gem of a man! I hope he gets better soon!

  4. Thankfully no but we are not done with it yet for sure. Hope Kevin recovers soon.

  5. Thankfully we don't know anyone who has got it. My daughter lives in Portland, OR and working. Got an email saying she's fine and now everyone has to wear a mask. I wish people would really listen and stop their foolish behavior and follow the rules. I hope Kevin gets his health back, he sounds like a nice guy.

  6. Such a sad story. I hope Kevin comes through this Covid virus completely well. We have not had a close case...yet. A friend who works at the local market has not been feeling well and had a test yesterday. No results yet. This is such a heartbreaking time. Take care there.

  7. I have known one person -- Rick's brother-in-law -- quite well. He has recovered but it was rough. But I've known a second-degree contact who very nearly died. Me? I isolate.

    1. I have been careful but gave up the isolation. I’m back to work but as there is no one there, I feel pretty safe.

  8. What a sad story, I hope Kevin will recover in time.
    Nobody in my immediate circle has got it. But I work in a university clinic and we are friends with staff caring for covid patients in intensive care - and please you all take good care because it is hard, for the patient, the family, the doctors and nurses. You have no idea, it's so rough.

    1. My dear neighbor is an er nurse. Even just the day in and day out use of the ppe”s. The limiting of fellow workers, the problem of needing to go tot he bathroom, the shortness of supplies. Exhausting for them.

  9. Knock on wood; not yet. I pray for the safety of my loved ones from Covid every night. I hope Kevin is on a straight path to full healing.


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