Happy Day

The other day I got a text from one of my sisters. It was inviting us to meet her, one of my other sisters and their spouses for lunch in my city. They had travelled up, 2 hours from where they live, to do some kayaking.

This sister and I have a very complicated relationship. There was a time we were the best of friends but not anymore. A lot of water, a lot of things said and done. It's not that I want it this way but I interact with her from a standpoint of woundedness. Even innocuous things said in a text can hurt. I am aware and process through those feelings, getting to a good spot pretty quickly. 

It was good to see them all. Conversation was light and easy. They seemed genuinely happy to see me and we caught up quickly on kids and grandkids. My mom would have been pleased. When we departed, them to go back to kayaking and us to return home, I felt delighted to have seen them and to come away without any new wounds. 
The three of us at a wedding.
The three of us at my niece's wedding.

I wish I knew how to fix it but I don't so I let it be.


  1. Great photo! It sounds like it was a fun time. Progress...

  2. it is what it is; be happy for the time you spent together.

  3. I'm glad you all enjoyed the get-together!

    1. At least I know I did. They could have put their heads together and started wagging their tongues but I can't control that.

  4. I'm the same with my sisters, well, one of them at least. It's hard and I prefer to just keep my distance. Family seems to hurt the most.

  5. 2 of you look so similar. :-)
    I live this.
    I am glad it was a non confrontational meeting. You look beautiful in the photo Linda!.

    1. You are very sweet. I've always felt like a defective part of the pack. All my sibs are very tall. There is a good 4 inches between me and the next.

    2. Seriously, your sisters are very attractive. But you are the beautiful one.

  6. That is fantastic that you all had a wonderful time together. Nice photo of the three sisters together smiling. :) Love the big clock too, have a nice day, Linda!

  7. I'm glad. You never know -- it could be a new start. Sometimes wounds are hard to heal but maybe... you never know. I love that photo. You're a knockout!

  8. I'm happy it all went well. We all need more good times with family. Laughs, good food and happy memories, that's all I want.

    1. We do. The more the better and the older I get the less that seems important to dig my heels in about.


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