Don’t Make Yourself At Home

Last night, out of the blue, an old acquaintance came to visit. 

It’s been two years and one day since the last big homecoming. That time, it was a long time before leaving and I lived in dread, wondering if an exit would ever take place. 

The old friend? A dizzying case of vertigo. A trip to the hospital resulted in a  “go home and sleep it off”. That time I could not tell up from down and, to be honest, it seems like that case did some damage somewhere deep inside my brain. I never went back to normal, staying just a little off kilter to varying degrees. After about a month, I could drive and work again as long as I was careful. 

It’s more manageable today but it is not remotely fun. 

This time, I’m not borrowing trouble, fretting about how long it will last or how bad will it get. I will, for the moment, stay in the moment. Ask me tomorrow and may have a different answer but for now I’m choosing to be sort of ok. 


  1. Linda, I hope it disappears completely and soon. Take care.

  2. nope, that's NOT the kind of guest you want. rest up and get well soon.

  3. Yeah, I get vertigo occasionally too. It comes when it comes, and it goes when it goes. My vertigo is "benign positional vertigo" and so is not excessively horrible. For example, I can still walk and I don't vomit. But I have a friend who gets bouts of the really severe vertigo that basically confines her to bed until it's over. She says that going to a chiropractor has provided some relief because of certain manipulations they do. I just offer that as a tip, not as medical advice.

  4. Vertigo sucks. I have it too but fortunately it doesn't usually last long. Hope the world returns to normal for you soon.

  5. That sounds grim. I hope things level out and your uninvited gues doesn't return!

  6. I have labrynthitis, which causes inner ear inflammation guessed it, vertigo. I find taking meclazine (found in OTC Dramamine) helps, if you can safely take such things. It makes me drowsy, but I can't function while in states of vertigo, anyway, so I'd rather sleep through it.


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