Are You Light?


Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.


The direction I am heading. Looking for good, being a force for good. trying my best to be extravagant and unconditional in my love. The base requirement is a whole lot of self love. Self love is hard, especially for this old broad who has had a whole lot of self loathing for a good many decades. 

As my past expands and my future contracts, there is not much more important to me than getting this spiritual stuff worked out. It's the right time to figure out what is truly important and work towards inner peace. Why is it the right time? It's all I got.... right now. How I wish I had done this work 30 years ago when I was a young mom.

Youth, so often, is looking in the short term. Feel good now. Unfortunately, it can be hard to see that what is put on the front burners on high heat will soon burn out or evaporate entirely. What is left is unpalatable. The smaller, seemingly less important items, get put on the back burners and are essentially ignored until they are needed to get through a tough spot. Those are the things that life if really made of.

So, how is your light? 


  1. Have you ever read any of Anne Lamott's books? She's a great writer on the practicalities of spirituality.

  2. have a good week, linda! I'm glad you're here.

    1. Thanks Anne Marie. I feel the same about you. I’m glad you add your voice to our current culture for change

  3. It all starts it’s self love. You are worth it Linda!

  4. So well said. Read Anne Lamott's Almost Everything. Possibly my best book and guide of the year.


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