What’s That?

More than ever before I hear myself saying, “Pardon me”, and then, “One more time, I’m hard of hearing”. 

Hearing loss, masks and large plastic shields do not go together. I utilize my ability to see lips, read facial expression and demeanor to populate what I miss while having a conversation. Most people have an aversion to raising their voice to a high level in public. 

Unfortunately and fortunately, masks are everywhere. 

I am adapting. Just like everyone else, we all have to adapt. 


  1. for me, a mask makes it hard for me to breathe. I have asthma. but I keep on trying.

    1. Breathing is way more important than hearing♥

  2. It must be a huge adjustment Linda. Stay safe.

  3. I once had a friend that was deaf and he read lips pretty good. It's got to be tougher now with people wearing masks. Thanks for sharing that, I have never thought of it. Always more things to learn. :) Have a wonderful weekend, Linda.

  4. It's a big issue here and in my city there are now masks for people with hearing difficulties where the center piece covering the mouth is made from see through plastic.
    Also, people with hearing issues are enccouraged to ask others to lift their mask when speaking - from a distance.

  5. Yes I have done the same. Overall, people are pretty helpful.

  6. Seems like we are all having to constantly adjust these days! I am definitely losing my hearing too...I am constantly asking people to repeat themselves. Have a great weekend!!! Hugs Linda!!!

  7. I'm often saying "What?" these days. And people "get it" and are happy to oblige, as I am!


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