Saturday's Child Works Hard for A Living

I was and am Saturday's Child.

I've been doing what is called "inner child" work. Two years ago I would have scoffed but then I am not the same person I was two years ago. What I know for sure is that I was scared a lot of the time and that those fears, not only made me way too serious, but also seem to control my reactions to things like alcohol use and certain smells and the behaviors of others. Those "reactions" were, on occasion, most unpleasant. I still get scared but it no longer controls me the way it once did. I have learned how to comfort myself, talk myself down, stay in the moment, keep some perspective. Not perfectly but not too shabby either.

The other day I came across this video on Healing Your Inner Child:

The music is annoying but the message hit home in a way that surprised me. Left me in puddles but feeling pretty good when all was said and done. I was not "unloved" as a child but just like me as a parent, my parents had a tough time of it and were not well educated. I have forgiven them and sought forgiveness and now I am figuring out how to be the best me. The best me is not afraid, she is fearless, tenacious and playful. 

So Saturday's Child works hard for a living but I intend to learn how to play and let some of the heavy, scary stuff go.


  1. I was not aware of 'Saturday's Child' had to look that one up. Thank you.
    You work so hard on you. I am lax in that dept. You are a good influence on me.

    1. I find you perfect the way you are💗

  2. Good for you! My line in that verse is "Thursday's child has far to go."

    1. Don’t we all? Enjoying pride month💜

  3. We're really on the same track today with our posts!

  4. I was a Sunday child which I just discovered. It is a fun poem.

    Well done Linda.

    1. Another Bonnie and Blythe. I’ll have to look that up.

  5. "The best me is not afraid, she is fearless, tenacious and playful." - FUCK YEAH!

    [Monday's child is fair of face] - that's me.

  6. Thanks for sharing this. I will definitely watch this.

  7. I just found out, I'm a Sunday child. Never knew that.


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