Easy Rider

The Boy Scout got a pretty nice compliment the other day. My girl, out of the blue, thanked him for always being there for her. He was pretty blown away. 

It’s a bittersweet moment in a couple of ways. He has been there for her, especially lately, stepping in, even when it would have been more comfortable to take a back seat or graciously taking a back seat even when he might have wanted to be more front and center. 

That girl, she loves her dad so much but her dad has a hard time being there for anyone, much of the time in survival mode more than anything. The boy scout had wanted to be a dad, allowing a few people to walk away when realizing they did not want kids, but that never happened for him. He is new to the role of partner to a mom and, even though the kids are older, it can be complex.

The two of them, my girl and the Boy Scout, have had to learn to be reluctant roommates. Neither of them having chosen the other. One of them tiny and quiet and learning to make her way in the world. The other large, loud and occasionally quite smelly, also maneuvering in unfamiliar territory. Truthfully, at times it’s been a bumpy ride but of late, quite a bit smoother. (knock on wood for me please)

Speaking of rides, this happened yesterday. If you look closely, you will see that those are golf clubs loaded on that back of that contraption. My heart told me he is getting too old for that stuff but you'd of thought the man was 12 when he put his rumpus on that seat.


  1. It must warm your heart to see that relationship develop as it has. Open hearts make all the difference.

  2. so THAT'S the boy scout! nice looking dude! men are smelly no matter what; they're men. and that was a kind word from your daughter.

  3. I find I can only comment if I use Internet Explorer. I never use anything other than Chrome but there are several blogs like that for me of late....anyhoo.
    This made me smile. They may get larger, older and lose hair, but they are always 12 !!!

  4. Grow, learn and love. Glad for you all!

    1. Thanks Bill. Life keeps getting better as I learn to care for myself in a healthy way.

  5. He does look very happy. My husband is also 12 years old, me, I'm more of an 8 year old:)

    1. I hear you! I am told that is a common trait in addicts and adult children of alcoholic/addicts. It was comforting to know that when I heard that there were a lot of people that felt just like me.....still waiting to grow up even at 50ish.


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