Doing My Homework

Is anger enough?  Does anger prove that I am on the right side? Or is it the easy way out?

I would argue that anger is just another tool that assures me I am not on the wrong side but doesn't require any more of me than that. A "sort of" let me prove how strongly I feel about this situation.

I have disabled my Twitter and Facebook for a number of reasons but one of them being that I found that social media was, for one reason or another, just fomenting my inner rage and not encouraging effective discourse, furthering educating myself and helping me to learn to listen to others with an open mind. Rather it has a habit of telling me what I already believe to be true and that any thinking person will have the same opinion.

I'm no expert. In fact, quite the opposite but I am trying. I found that Dr. Robin DiAngelo has many good points about being white in a country where systemic racism is the status quo and how that affects how we, yes all of us, populate our version of reality.

What I do know for sure is that there is enough anger to go around and when I cement my views in a foundation of anger it closes the communication options to one.....mine. That's never good place to be. 

I'm no expert but I will continue to try.


  1. I will look up that lecture. The effort is important as I see it.

  2. You're making me feel bad about myself. :-)
    I don't think living in a place of anger is every good. I try but it's so so hard.
    That is why I walked away from twitter and FB. I can't match wits with those that are unarmed so no sense in trying after a while or making myself angry. I spoke to an old friend last night. She and her husband knew I worked for Obama's campagian and they loved Bush so I knew not to bring up politics. She brought it up. I said, I have to say I am happily surprised. (she despises trump and all he stands for) She said, "Peg I may be republican but I am not dumb." Then we had a nice discussion. It was so refreshing I can't even begin to tell you. Would I have felt the same had she said she loved him? Hmm...I know for a fact I would have asked her to tell me why because I am dead serious to the answer to that.Not as confrontational, but to know the answer to see why? I can't fathom so I want to know the why you know?

    1. That’s exactly what Tommy says. He wants a yard sign. But I don’t do political activism by bumper sticker or yard signs. Plus I don’t want anyone thinking that I am a republican.

      I understand about not wanting to know the why!!!!! It’s hard.

  3. Social media isn't helping, that's for sure. I keep remembering the song "No one is Alone" from Into the Woods. "Someone is on your side, someone else is not. While you're seeing our side, maybe you forgot -- they are not alone." That's what social media reminds me. And it's scary.

    1. So much but I am trying to stay in my sacred place.

  4. Social media can be a trap. I got out of fb because of the politics behind it and the way zuckerberg acted when questioned about it.
    But I use twitter to stay on top of what climate scientists are up to, what virologists are publishing about the covid pandemic, some local news and a mix of activists, journalists and bloggers/friends and it's a good source of information. If you check who you follow and are selective about your input you can ride the algorithm to your advantage.

    1. Zuckerberg was a big reason why. Way too much power, influence and information in the hands of a unknown actor. Our lawmakers should have done something about our privacy, and our ability to control it, long ago.

  5. I left FB almost 4 years ago. I got sick and tired of people saying and sharing the same old stuff. I would get angry at people's comments and they seemed so shallow. You couldn't have a conversation if you didn't share the same views. It got tiresome talking the same conversation over and over so I left. Don't miss it a bit and am much more happier. The same with my wife, she has less patience for stupidity.

  6. twit & bacefook suck ass. NO ONE needs them. I've never had an account on either and I never will.

  7. It's constructive to channel anger into action. It's what fuels every activist but it defuses "personal" anger because that will just burn you out after a while.


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