Candle In The Wind


Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.


Early in my blogging, somewhere back in 2014, I posted this quote. At the time, I was on the receiving end of these words. Countless people stepping in, at just the right moment, to relight the tiny, fragile candle I was carrying. There were so many angels during my darkest of times. Sometimes the light was just enough to take a few steps, or maybe get myself out of bed. Other times, it was the strength of an army to get me through an entire day. With mental illness and addiction in the house, it took many relights over a good long period of time.

I post it again because these days I work hard to be on the giving end of these beautiful words. Maintaining the suppleness acquired by walking through the darkness, relying on instinct, I pray that I can return the gift that was lavished on me even when I was completely unaware of its presence. With a note of encouragement, an ear without judgement or a little help to get through the month, I try to be the highest form of me, the best me that is that, only because of being in the darkness before the candle was lighted again.


  1. You've come so far and done so well, now you can give back and help others in return! A life well-lived.

  2. Life is a give and take really. You take what you need and give to others in return. We all fill the two realities at different times.

  3. you are correct, you must pass on that light to another. pay it forward, as it were. you are a nice person.

  4. I love the idea of the rekindled light. We give with our hearts what we have received.

  5. How beautiful, Linda. How beautiful to have been in part saved by it and now a reminder to continue to do all you can (and I know you do) for others. I love the rekindled light as well. Beautiful. So beautiful.


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