A Beautiful Goodbye

I stumbled across this piece and decided that in a world ripe with ugliness, strife, hate and ignorance that I would submit, for your enjoyment, something quite lovely, filled with tenderness, acceptance, bravery and, best of all, the expansive love of true friendship. 


  1. Yes, what a beautifully written tribute to a cherished friend.

  2. Replies
    1. I knew the song only by the chorus. After reading they lyrics....WOW!

  3. I openly admit that I have had a crush on Sam Shepard since forever. If you have time, listen to his acceptance speech at Trinity College, Dublin (the one Patti Smith is referring to here), you can find it on youtube.

    1. After reading a few articles about him I realized he was a bit of a rogue but I've been smitten since my teens. Thanks for the tip.

  4. It is a beautiful piece. Thanks, Linda.


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