My Cup Overflows

Yesterday was Mother's Day. With my youngest still home but the others spread out over 3 states I knew it would be a quiet one. I had a lovely beach walk with my girl and then came home and took a long nap. My girl and I made some little clay animals that I picked up at the checkout at the drug store. The Boy Scout made my favorite meal, Corned Beef and Cabbage, and the three of us had dinner together. Delicious and very enjoyable.

I need for nothing; therefore, I asked each kid to write a special memory to share with me. Instead of that, I received 4 lovely, very personal letters of love and appreciation. Honest and sweet. I shed the kind of tears that bring with them, not only a squeezing of the breath, but also a cleansing and reassurance that is welcomed like an old friend.

Best Mother's Day ever!


  1. SO HAPPY for you! you have 4 loving adult children who think the world of you. a testimony to your mothering abilities. sounds like you had a perfect day.

  2. Lovely! And corned beef and cabbage -- Irish much?

  3. It does sound like the Best Mother's Day ever! A truly lovely idea to share sweet memories and get letters of love. The best!

  4. It’s not about money or material things that’s for sure. Wonderful!

  5. Beautiful and Perfect. Doesn't get much better than that!!

  6. A perfect gift of love on your special day. Priceless!

  7. Oh, those letters are treasures. What a wonderful idea, what a wonderful gift to you.


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