Listen to How it Feels

This may be a silly post to you. I am not sure because I only have my perspective and I think it may be slightly warped.

Today, I heard a the name of a french composer referenced in something I was reading. So, being me, I quickly Youtubed him and got this:

The music started and I reached out to turn it off. It was sad. I don't understand or tolerate sad music very well. I never have. Being sad, like being hurt or abandoned, scares me.

I am learning not to put value on feelings. That they are all meant to be felt. So I listened and paid attention to the ache, where it was in my body, what the sensation was like.

My boy scout loves Jackson Browne and Van Morrison. I've never got it. Why does anyone WANT to be sad? I guess maybe there's a lot of people who are not scared of sadness, or maybe need to relate to it. Either way, this is a lovely, sorrowful piece of music.

I wish I could remember which of my blogger buddies posted a piano piece (done by the composer, I think) set in a rather impressive and mostly glass room. I remember feeling especially sad but would like to give it another listen with a new set of ears.


  1. If I'm in the mood for it, I like listening to sad or melancholic music. Even country hurtin' songs are great, with their sobbing steel guitars!

  2. I don't consider Jackson Browne or Van Morrison sad music at all. Maybe what they sing makes you think of sadness. Years ago when my dog and cat passed on within a week of each, I was listening to a classical song which I don't remember the name and every time I hear it, it brings me back to that time and makes me sad. So my sadness relates to a sad time in my life.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Linda.

  3. As always you make me think.
    I don't find this sad. Relaxing yes. Put me to sleep, yes. But not sad. I also didn't know Van Morrison or Jackson Browne were sad. I don't listen to a lot of Mr. Browne.
    Sometimes I like a sad song because of what I am going through and I need to get through it when I'm feeling sad. It helps me to release it all. Then I'm all better.
    You are much more in tune to your body than I will ever be. :-) Or should I say more enlightened than me.

  4. this one?

  5. I am familiar with that piece though I couldn’t name it.

    Recognition of feelings is an important skill. The feeling itself is not bad, it’s what we do with it is important. Being able to name the emotion is an important first step.

  6. I get your feelings too but I am starting to learn to stick with it. It's not too hard and if so, well, a good cry always works for me.

    Take care!

  7. I have always loved this piece but I think of it as more melancholy than sad, which might be the same thing, I suppose. I feel great longing in it.


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