Zooming Along

The other day, the Boy Scout and I Zoomed with our good friend Nancy.

It was wonderful. We had been missing her tremendously but the retirement community she lives in is wisely on lock down. I’m glad that she is being well taken care of.

The first thing she asks, with a look of frustration on her face, is if I like her hair now. Nancy has a gorgeous head of thick, wavy silvery white hair. It’s stunning! We laughed.

We talk of family and books, tv and news, her dog Zoloft who is in great need of a grooming, and just enjoy each other’s company fully.

I'm amazed at this woman. She has marched to the beat of her own drum. In the 70's, taking her kids out of school, she drove all over Europe in a van for almost a year. She has scuba'd and was an underwater photographer, ran her own businesses, did skydiving, designed more than one home, is well read and will not suffer a fool.

And, in her 90's, she Zoomed like it was nobody's business.

Friendship can show up in the most unexpected places. For me, it's been a teeny tiny jewish lady with a knock out smile, who is living life her way.


  1. I wanna be like nancy when I grow up! bless her and her adventurous spirit!

  2. I love reading about Nancy. I think my mom would have found a kindred spirit in her. I love that she zoomed with you and Boy Scout. Nancy sounds like a true inspiration!

  3. She sounds terrific! And I love her dog's name!

  4. Inspiring really! Well done Nancy! You got this!

  5. What a grand person to call a friend. I bet she has plenty of stories to tell. :)

  6. It brings me enormous joy and comfort to know that women like your friend walk in this earth.

  7. This woman is in her 90s? She looks astounding! I do love that we can connect with our friends from afar so easily. It means a great deal always but especially these days.


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