Gene Therapy

Tonight was the first time my man has ever seen Singing In The Rain. I must admit, I did not hold out a lot of hope that he would love it but I did hope he would have a good time.

Half way through, I realized that I sat there with a big smile on my face. Each song better than the next. Then Moses Supposes comes on and I want nothing more than to get up and dance. I just adore that darn movie. I recognize that it is not high art but it is wonderful fun and great music and.......Gene Kelly, for goodness sake.

All said and done he seem to like it too and I got to watch one of my very favorite movies once again. A pretty good time of social distancing. 


  1. I remember seeing that movie a long time ago. I can see Gene dancing in the rain and singing. :)

  2. one of my all time FAVE movies! that and "an american in paris". gene kelly, a native pennsylvanian, and a FABU dancer!

  3. I know I've seen the movie but all I remember is the famous "dancing in the rain" scene!

    1. Not too late to take a second look. You Amy want to get up and dance too.

  4. I haven't seen that movie in so many years. Makes me want to watch it again. I LOVE the title of this post!

  5. That would have been a good nap for my Big Guy. :-) I adore the film version of Little Women with Wynona Ryder, Clare Danes, Susan Sarandon, Gabriel Byrne etc. I wanted to see it again when I saw it on HBO and Rick said it was the best damn nap he ever had. I so wanted him to like it. Oh well.

    1. Ahhhh, I get it. It’s nice to share something we love with our loved ones. Oh well!

  6. Gene Kelly was pretty great alright!

    1. He was indeed, although I don’t think he was that nice to work for.

  7. One of my all time favorites, a desert island movie. I'm so glad he liked it and thrilled you got to see it again! (I could see it over and over and over and over!)


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