She is........

She goes to the beach to find some quiet. Not quiet from the outside but to somehow quiet her brain, that at times, is not her friend. Ironically, she really doesn't love the beach. But from the sanctuary of her car, she is not cold, the wind does not dry her lips and tangle her hair.

So what does she find there? She finds her God, the one that reminds her that she gets to choose how she takes things and whether on not to be grateful. There is good and bad everywhere, and she can focus on lack of work and the drop in her retirement fund, OR she can look at the fact that there are wonderful people in this world who are amazing and loving and who share their love in inspiring and unique ways.

It's gray and overcast. There are droplets on the windshield that are blurring the view in a way that reminds her of childhood rides in the car. Not the bad ones, but the times when she felt like a little girl, more concerned with paper dolls and her poodle than the chaos that was her family.

She is ready to start a new day.


  1. I love how the beach scene quiets her spirit. She has lots of inner strength to draw on.

  2. The ocean is a great place to go to quiet the mind. The rhythm of those waves rocks us in that timeless way.

  3. Oh, I long to be able to get away to a place that gives me that soul.


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