Rainy Days and Tuesdays Always Get Me Down

I have been remiss. It’s been forever but there hasn’t been much to say

Good and not so good things happening but I am still standing, perhaps straighter then ever before. I like that.

Back to blogging soon. 


  1. I don't know if you read John Grey's blog but he has an expression, tits up. Sending hugs.

  2. As long as you're still standing, that's all that matters!

  3. Still raining out there? I love rainy days but after a week it's enough. :-)
    I think you need to take a vacation to visit the mid atlantic in summer. It is hot as hell and humid and nary a rain drop in sight. Consider it?

  4. s'ok, ain't much to write home about. we'll be here when you return.

  5. Been wondering how you are. Glad to see a post here and that you're still standing.

  6. When you can. Living your life matters. But thanks for checking in. I worry. Just because it's what I do.


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