Fun Times To Be Had By All

I desire so much more than mere survival. Deep friendships, unconditional love, spiritual growth, healing of the soul and daily evidence of human kindness is a good start. Today is gray and in the low 50°’s but my heart is full and I am practicing self love and kindness.

I just watched a dad with his young daughter going for a walk. They are bundled because it is cold (well, for us Californians it is).  He’s walking and talking and, suddenly, his eyes light up, he squeezes her hand and urges her little toddlers legs to hurry over to a great big puddle. They begin to splash and jump. It didn’t last long but it was lovely to watch.

I want to remember to be that person for myself. Reminding me to take the opportunity to have fun and let go. That’s not my nature. I’ve taken life too seriously up till now. Society hasn’t helped much. So often “fun” for adults goes hand and hand with alcohol. For me that can be problematic and anxiety inducing.

Im going try to let go a bit. I’m going to try hard to foster that little girl who, so very long ago, forgot how to have fun. 


  1. I don't need booze to have fun. our gov just closed down our state liquor stores due to the stupid virus. I have plenty of knitting to do.

    1. You are your own parade and party. I love that about you.

  2. Yes, get in touch with your Inner Child! Remember what that concept was all the rage in self-help about 30 years ago? Still a good idea!

  3. Those little moments we forget about as we get older and more serious. It's nice to have some simple fun in your everyday life. Everything is shut down here because of the virus for the rest of the month. We still have public transit for now but that could be shut down too.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  4. Finding joy in the little things is a priceless gift! The imagine of the child and the dad in the puddle is a beautiful example. I hope you find a puddle today, Linda.

  5. I just did this with my dog. Pitiful me, has no children but you get the same serotine rush! She looked at the puddle and stopped. I had on my wellies so I jumped in and pounded my feet and she joined me. It is fun and I wasn't drinking. This dog makes me do so many things I would never normally do.

  6. Oh, that's such an important goal. I hope you find that little girl. The scene you described reminds me of Rick and the Littles.


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