What You Say?

People will apply meaning to Nancy Pelosi's tearing up of the State of the Union speech. Very likely their opinions of the meaning will follow their own party lines. And while I don’t believe it was necessary, neither do I believe that it means any more than what she said it means.

"I tore up a manifesto of mistruths," Pelosi said at her weekly Capitol Hill news conference Thursday. "It was necessary to get the attention of the American people to say, 'This is not true. And this is how it affects you.' And I don't need any lessons from anyone, especially the President of the United States, about dignity."

That is what she says it means. It does not mean she doesn't value our military veterans, or families in need of help (Please......it is rather widely known that the Democrats are the ones that are trying to protect the safety nets like the disability cuts suggested in the POTUS's new budget). It does not mean she disrespect the office of the President. She does not respect the man and, to be honest, I find there is very little about that man that deserves even a modicum of respect.


  1. I liked it because she stole his thunder. The next day all anyone was talking about was her.

  2. It's not the man that is important, but the millions that have voted for him and their feelings. It was an act of great stupidity that divides even more the already divided american nation.

    1. You’re forgetting that the majority of this country took him for exactly what he is; a misogynistic, racist, narcissistic, petty liar.

      The stupidity is listening to a man that repeatedly lies in an effort to convince us all its true. The majority of us are still not buying it and have a right, as does Nancy, combat the lies with whatever means available, whether it be a blog post, a rally, a vote or tearing up a pack of lies on a piece of paper.

  3. the orange shithead DOES NOT DESERVE RESPECT! FROM ANYONE!

  4. I have had to walk away. I give you all credit for reading it all, living it all. I can't anymore. I live in DC. It is 24/7 here. Everyone is in gov't. Thankfully 90% are blue so they understand the struggle. Also our local news is your national news. It starts at 4am and goes all friggin' day. Even all our cable channels were interrupted for the so called impeachment trail. I listened to a lot of music. I will no longer read this shit, watch this shit or take part in it after this comment. I just can't. Those are the right are so racist, misogynist, self absorbed hateful mean unempathetic people. I have yet to meet an exception. I just can not take the toxicity anymore. It gets to me and I am going with what they say, toxic people should be avoided. I am avoiding politics. I know who I am voting for but we also know about voter fraud etc. My cousin just told me that if she hadn't caught her summery after she voted she would have voted for Jeb Bush - WHO SHE DID NOT VOTE FOR. 3 times she had to go back and revote until they took the correct vote. What does that tell you? The orange AH will be in office for another 4 since he cheated to get there in the first place. Do yourself a favor - walk away from social media. (I deactivated my FB page too) It will honestly save your heart and soul. It is hard to be balanced with all this shit being thrown at me. I am mending.

    1. I deactivated twitter. Couldn’t take it anymore.

    2. I get it. I feel wounded to be honest Linda. Sorry I took up so much space on this site.

    3. I 'hear' you Margaret! I feel as exasperated by our awful right-wing government in Australia. I only stay engaged so I can dispute the nonsense my family stills posts. I think I'm only 1 of 2-3 who vote left.

  5. The IMPOTUS is getting no respect from me.

    Gotta wonder if the whole impeachment thing would have gone differently if all elected officials were subject to term limits and not behaving to improve their elect-ability for the next term.

  6. That speech wasn't worth the paper it was written on. Being ripped up was too good for it.

  7. It was risky business for her to rip it up, PR wise but I'm glad she did because that's what it merited. Filled with lies and all that went with that. Did you see the Colbert open the night of or after? It was pretty brilliant. If you google Colbert Pelosi Shred you'll probably find it and it's worth a look.

  8. I watched that whole SOTU and am astounded that people believe his BS. I for real cannot understand how people don't or won't or can't see the falseness of this man. It feels like an Andromeda Strain...half the population was infected with a mind altering something or other. I'm with Nancy. I only wish she would have leaned over a little farther and snatched that yellow cotton candy off his head and tore it in half too. I detest him. He is vile.

  9. I love Nancy Pelosi - I think she has real courage and integrity. I watched her tear up the speech and I interpreted that act exactly as she explains it. Reading the responses here - yes it's a sad indictment on those Americans who voted him in and still support him, despite the fact that he clearly is 'a misogynistic, racist, narcissistic, petty liar' as you say. He lost me at 'grab them by the pussy'. I want to throw rocks at the TV when he comes on. I'm really broadminded but I also don't expect that sort of public announcement from the President of, until recently, the most powerful nation on the planet. We have a terrible rightwing government in Australia atm and they have been buoyed by the mass acceptance of Trump's behaviour. They are more obnoxious, intolerant and dishonest than ever - they are just better at hiding it.


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