Back To The Schoolyard Again

The POTUS, who supposedly “loves” this country, just fired a highly decorated soldier for telling the truth about a phone call he listened to, and when he had concerns, reported the contents of the call to the proper chain of command. When the House subpoenaed him, he testified to what he had heard. Nothing more and nothing less.

Oh, the POTUS fired his highly decorated brother too. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

There was a day when we held our heroes up with honor and respect. While he wasn’t perfect, and while my politics may have differed, I held John McCain in the place of honor he absolutely deserved. Apparently, war heroes do not count for much to some people.


  1. In the real persons working world, there's this thing called Workplace Harassment. We get trained on it EVERY YEAR. One of the basic tenets of the laws is that employees are protected from retribution from their superiors (and even peers) for reporting illegal behavior, unsafe practices, sexual harassment, etc.

    Seems to me that the IMPOTUS crossed that line too, but I will bet that nothing ever gets done about it.


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