Notes of Love and Other Things

Things that bring tears to my eyes and joy in my heart.

My girl and I started exchanging notes on this pad about 12 years ago. We haven't written a lot but every once in a while it shows up on my table or her bed with words of love or just an update. I wish we had dated the notes from the beginning and I wish I hadn't used one of them to chide her about something she had done wrong. Ah well, live and learn.


  1. You have a treasure there for sure and the note pad is special too.

  2. What a wonderful, loving tradition you two have there. Makes me wish I had done something like that with my mom. I hope you keep this going. It's grand. Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. This is beautiful! Thanks for the afternoon cleaning of my tear ducts. I like to do that every Friday at my desk. :-) Beautiful Linda! You are blessed in so many ways but that your child would write those words to you shows me 'you done good' :-)

    1. Thanks Peg. I don’t often feel that way so it’s nice to get a good job review.

  4. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! HOW COOL is that! I have a sweet little gray/white cat named gigi; she's my nighttime guardian.

    1. I love the name. It’s a nickname for her and it’s pretty much just between us two.

      I’d love a nighttime guardian.

  5. This is SO COOL! What a wonderful tradition and how special these are. Love it!

  6. Linda, the above note is proof that you and your daughter share a magical bond between each other. These notes would be an invaluable treasure in your life. You’re truly blessed. I must start this practice to make my mom feel special about her love towards me. Really inspiring post.

  7. Dear Linda, I should say this culture you follow with your daughter is very inspiring and helps better any relationship. Thank you for sharing this personal moment that you both share to us readers. I am expecting and when I have my girl I would like to nurture such positive habits in her too.


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