I Can Do It

While my man has a “get it done” attitude, a lot of that is bravado and I find that he really is not all that handy around the house. He works like gangbusters in the yard, but the honey do’s are not really his forte. Ive learned a few things over the years and I might remind you that a while back I replaced the garbage disposal while he handed me the tools.

Coming together later in life, we’ve found that trying to “do a project” together often ends up in an argument. Being a smart woman, I prefer to not start those kind of projects when he is around. Secretly, I think he could do most of them but doesn’t want to, so feigning ignorance kind of gets him off. He once told me he doesn’t know light bulbs.

Over the last couple of days I got a few tasks done that have needed doing for a good long while. I replaced the weather stripping on the door which wasn’t hard but not as simple as the YouTube videos suggested. Most of them assumed a preexisting tract that held the stiffer part of a weather strip for easy install.  Not so in this old casa. Weather stripping was an add on about 40 years ago and had 3 coats of paint over it. I removed the old stuff and cleaned, then installed new stripping with my shiny new cordless drill/driver (the old one no longer held a charge). I tried to do the door jam too but that didn’t work out. I’ll have to get advice on that.

Today, I tackled the bathroom sink which was draining very slow. The stopper is not the kind that easily pulls out.  I got under the vanity and removed the lever mechanism, which allowed the stopper to pull free. So I just have to say bloody hell! It was dizzzgustin. The base of the stopper was full of globulous grossities and massive amounts of man hair. Good thing I’m not much of a gagger. Cleaned that sucker up, ran a drain brush to make sure the rest was clear and reinstalled.

All done. I feel pretty good. Off to install the new spice rack.

Have a terrific night.


  1. You certainly CAN do stuff. And why ask for help when it's easier and faster doing it yourself.

    The rule here is that we don't work on any project together. This after fitting a new kitchen (IKEA) fifteen years ago a week in our lives which is known to this day as the great marriage test we nearly failed but scraped by only just.

  2. Good job on that spice rack and your other fixes!

  3. Well done, you! A big pat on the back from me! I have to say, your man may share a few characteristics with Rick on the getting things done front!

  4. My hubby can do things but procrastinates forever, so I often do it. Sink are gross. I pulled what looked like a dead rat out of my step daughter's sink, just her hair.

    I like your knife holder and good job.

    1. That knife holder is awesome especially since I have a tiny kitchen.

  5. That's very impressive work. Roger still does all that kind of stuff around the house, but I watch, knowing that I may have to crawl under that sink some day. I'll remember this post when I do.

    1. YouTube is the best friend to a do it yourselfer

  6. If you've got some free time, head on over, I have some things that need done!

  7. Can you please visit my house and help us out? The husband and I are both hopeless at those kinds of jobs!

    You should be proud!


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