A Broken Woman’s Advice

To My kiddos,

I've been spending a lot of mornings at the beach.  Thinking, meditating, in prayer to a god only I can define.

It occurred to me that my love for you guys just keeps growing, deepening, becoming richer with each passing year. How lucky I am to love people I actually like a whole lot or am I lucky to like the people I love a whole lot. Either way, in this new year, this new decade, I think the thing I wish most for each of you is a quest for self love.  I wish you the journey to find a way to be kind, care, base your choices in life and love, on a deep sense of love and acceptance for you, wonderful gorgeous you.

Happy Saturday guys. 


  1. your kids will emulate your actions; they sound like good kids already.

  2. This is a beautiful wish for your children. And the example you set it a fine one.


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