
To all people who hate Jews:

If the Jews have been trying to take over the country for the last 100 years like I have often heard you say, they've done it quite ineptly therefore you can set aside your fears and now know they are not a threat...

Otherwise, they are just trying to live their lives like everyone else and you've spent your emotional energy and deep soul value on hating someone who has no power to hurt you and probably does not know you exist. They/we just want to live, raise families, work and be free in this country like everyone else. They/we are the rest of us.

Ditto for people of color
Ditto for LGBTQ people
Ditto for women
Ditto for anyone you choose to hate for NO GOOD REASON

Why not try another way of life. Why not try to be happy and not hate, not fear, not tear your soul up one microscopic particle by particle and try some love.

Signed..... proud Snowflake.


  1. Indigenous people in this country and immigrants or refugees too. Anyone who has hate in their hearts can always find someone to focus their hate on. So sad!

  2. Makes me think of those right wing people who call themselves "Christians". They are mean and pathetic and the hate just spews from their mouths.

    1. You mean the ones that are suppose to love their fellow man, welcome the foreigner, and do unto others? Yea, well, their God is too small right now.

  3. "Why not try another way of life. Why not try to be happy and not hate, not fear, not tear your soul up one microscopic particle by particle and try some love." Indeed, why not?

  4. Thank you for writing this. My mother lost her grandmother, uncles, aunts, and cousins in Auschwitz. The language these days is absolutely filling me with fear.

  5. Well said, Snowflake! I couldn't agree more!

  6. This snowflake approves of this post :)


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