Progress Not Perfection

As I reflect on Christmas day, a few things come to mind.

There was a incident that was so very uncomfortable, and I handled it pretty damn good, not perfectly but really well. And even better, when I saw a text that seemed to judge my behavior, I stayed present and did not absorb that person's opinion of the incident. I remained true to myself and gave myself a big pat on the back. Well done chica. I think it showed growth and for that I am grateful.

In addition to that, the Secret Keeper came for the dinner that my sweet Boy Scout lovingly prepared. It was easy and fairly light hearted. The conversation was fine. Perhaps a little more gossipy than I would have liked but really OK. The food was great and the kids got to be with their dad, whom they love dearly. I’d say a big win. When I see him, I no longer think of what happened between us. I just feel a little sad and now that I know how to feel sad instead of shoving down or throwing it onto someone else, it worked out alright.

I missed two of my kids but am happy they are following their own paths. I never thought that I would be experiencing a sedate, quiet Christmas. In my mind, they would always have noise and bustle and I liked the picture my mind painted. Ah well, that's what I get for thinking I could predict the future.

My New Years promise to myself? Here and Now, as much as possible.

Happy New Years!!!!!


  1. A quiet and sedate Christmas can be quite lovely and it sounds like yours was! Have a wonderful New Year's and best wishes for 2020!

  2. Here and Now! What could be better? Congrats on handling your difficult situation to your satisfaction. You did well.

  3. sounds like you had a quiet xmess. how lovely; so did we! noise doesn't make a holiday better; I think it ruins it. here's to growth in 2020, linda...for ALL of us!

  4. That sounds really positive. Well done and a good start for the new year!

  5. It sounds like a great Christmas! A quiet Christmas is good!

  6. It sounds like a good Christmas, a positive one, surrounded by people who are a part of your world, past and present. I love this. And your Happy New Year resolution. Bravo!


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