New Norm

As you all have promised me over the last few years, saying goodbye has gotten easier.

Boy 2 left Friday night for Portland and boy 1 left just a few minutes ago. I enjoyed my time with them both very much but it was time to say goodbye and I was able to do it without so much as a

That feels good. They are living their lives and I am getting good at living mine.

All is well 


  1. and you WILL see them again soon, I trust! you have trained them well, mother.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Marie....I loved your hospital post.

  3. It does get easier as time goes by. I feel a little tug in my heart this time of year and miss being a mom with young kids, but all in all, I am enjoying my empty nest lifestyle.

    1. Yes, there was definitely a tug but overall not too bad.

  4. They're never really ours, even though they come from our bodies, even though they wrap themselves around hearts, still they are not ours. It still surprises me though, that they are people and not children anymore.


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