
In Christianity Today, a magazine founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham, an article by editor-in-chief  Mark Galli that stated:

“Remember who you are and whom you serve,” Galli’s editorial states. “Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency.”

Finally a Christian organization speaking some sanity. 

That’s all I got to say about that. 


  1. I'm surprised. So far, it would seem the Lord and Savior likes Mr. Trump. The later is rich, married to a young beautiful immigrant woman, has a nice family, has won the last elections. A God-fearing person would probably be afraid to imply that God's choice was the wrong one.

    1. Oh Duta, no where does Jesus suggest his followers demean women by grabbing pussies, mock the handicap, tolerate prejudice, lock children in cages, cheat to win, repeatedly commit adultery or systematically tear apart a country because of a inability to handle criticism. I could go on.

      What you are suggesting sounds like the gospel of prosperity, that because he is rich, been “blessed”, we can perhaps surmise that God has lifted him up. Ordained.

      I reject that in every possible way. Many horrific people have lived in opulence and affluence. Many leaders have proved themselves emphatically unworthy of their circumstance.

      On this, we must agree to disagree.

    2. Linda, perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned that he's rich, but that he's healthy. Unlike those who hate and curse him, he hasn't broken so far any shoulder, arm, leg, ankle, thigh.
      Anyway, I'm not defending Mr Trump, but what I feel was God's choice.I'm not as brave as the writer of the article to defy God.

  2. I was so pleased to see this. This person has done more to damage morality, kindness and all the things that are foundations of faith in three years than I can imagine. He has broken just about every commandment and taken it all without gratitude. Slime and scum of the earth have better qualities. Finally, a Christian publication calling him out. Well done!

    1. It took some bravery and I imagine Christianity Today will feel some backlash.

  3. Replies
    1. Too true but it was nearly the ONLY example I could find.

  4. We read that this morning and it made world news. It's a start indeed!

  5. It was good to read that this morning. Finally, a little sanity.


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