Coming In Second

My Frenchie has a badly docked tail. It did not cause a problem until the last 2 months. Now she has an infection. The docking created a kind of hole where the tail should be. Now that there is a problem, we’ve christened it her “second butthole”.

A trip to the vet 2 weeks ago has not improved the situation, nor the smell emanating from that special spot.  A second trip yesterday finds us with oral antibiotics and a powder form to dust her butt end. 

A young tech checked us in. She was learning the ropes and doing things slowly and methodically. Therefore, when she took Sophie’s temperature, I just didn’t have the heart to tell her that she used the wrong hole. Nor was I inclined to out her to the vet when she questioned why the second butthole had Vaseline on it. When she reprimanded me that it is far better to keep it dry, I took it with a smile. Sophie not so much.

UPDATE: Vet says this is not a docking but a physical deformity.....Poor Sophs.


  1. Poor Frenchie! I hope the infection clears up soon.

  2. Lol. Not funny for the dog but the story is hilarious really!

    Hope the poor pet recovers soon.

  3. Frenchie doesn't look impressed. :) Hope he recovers with no problemss.

  4. Poor sweet pup. I hope she can get everything settled soon -- for everyone's sake.

  5. I have a dumb question - why must dogs get their tails docked? If born with one don't they need it? Stop laughing at me now Linda. I have a big dog, needs her tail to swim and you know knock things off the coffee table.

    1. I think its breed standard that mandate it. More and more people are not doing those things. Lots of dobies and schnauzers without docked ears these days. Maybe someday it'll all stop.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. My vet informed me that this is a physical deformity not a bad docking. I had no idea.

    4. I did not know it was a breed standard, but I do now. My neighbor has a teeny tiny dog with no tail and I asked if she did that or is it the breed. Apparently it's the breed. I am learning all kinds of things. Izzy's tail can knock over a coffee cup, but only full of coffee, that is on the table with one full swoop of her tail and she's a foot away. A labs tail is nuts!


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