The One Is Me

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change
The courage the change the one I can
And the wisdom to know that one is me

This is ACA's special serenity prayer and, as much as I love it, I can find it difficult to adopt fully. It's a great way to live if you are able.

I think my problem is that I just can't get it in my head how truly alone I am and how a self love and inner trust is necessary for peace to settle in. Once I figure that out, life with others will get easier. I imagine life with me will get easier for those around me too.

Meanwhile, relationships my kids keep getting deeper and richer as I practice cleaning up my side of the road and staying in my own lane. It works. You, yes you, might be laughing or scoffing at me, but I didn't know this most basic of rules. Now that I have awareness, it allows me to let go of resentments, let go of my interpretation of someone else's actions or words, and enhances peace.


  1. I've never seen that version of the Serenity Prayer before! It's great! But like all versions, harder to do in practice, I agree.

  2. I haven't been reading you for long. I don't know what happened to you. I don't know why someone so awesome has a struggle to love oneself. Life is confusing to me. I wish you could see what everyone else does. You'd really like you! But in the mean time I see a hard worker on herself and that ain't easy or for the weak! You make me want to be better.

  3. I'll never laugh, never scoff. I will simply bow down and recognize the hard work you do -- and what gifts it will bring you.

    1. I know that about you. I love the way you interact with the world. A truly kind person.

  4. Great adaptation of the prayer. You’re getting there Linda. It is a slow process but worth it!

    1. Thank you thank you. It’s nice to have a cheer section.

  5. Change is always hard, especially when you've lived in crazyville. I only say that because I lived there too.

    My daughter has the serenity prayer tattooed on her back and it's missing a word. How's that for accepting the things you cannot change?

    We are all works in progress. Sending hugs.

  6. Oh, interesting adaptation of the prayer! We're human. We try our best. It's not always easy.

  7. Unfortunately, we all have work to do to help ourselves be better people to others and to ourselves. All we can do is keep trying and you're doing a fine job.

  8. I like how you take on the challenges of working on yourself. We all have to do it, but we don't all know the prayer. Thank you for that.

  9. You work so hard and deserve all the good results.


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