Thankful For Endings

People stuck on the other side of the US border are sending their children walking across the border, in the hopes for something better for them.

Their homes are not tenable. Whether it is the abject poverty or, more likely, escaping violence, people don't leave their homes and travel afoot, or by whatever means, lightly. One does not leave the nurturing of family, good jobs and a warm home to seek the unknown. They do it for a hope of a better future.

Now, stuck in stinking camps, sickness becoming a looming threat, some are doing the unthinkable.....packing small bags, documenting their little ones names in the hopes of finding them one day, and sending them alone.

Can you imagine for one minute? Can you stand in that man's shoes? That woman's heart being torn in two? As a mom, I force myself to think what it would take to get me to send my child off into the night. Not in the hope of a free meal ticket. Not looking to take someone else's' job. Pure desperation.

And after your child is gone? Then what? Does that man travel 100's of miles back home to the poverty stricken town he is from? Does that women return to the violence? Or do they both sit in the shit hole camp set up because our president is able to look another direction, as if they do not exist.

I am thankful today that this presidency will not last forever. There will be a time that we will be able to heal from the carnage  created by a man who does not care for anything but money and himself.

In the immortal words of an imaginary miser, "Mankind was my business."


  1. Unbelievable desperation is the only circumstance when one would send the child off on his/her own. Prayers are not enough.

  2. We should all be thankful not to be in such desperate circumstances ourselves, and be more compassionate to those who are.

  3. I am thankful for that too. I just hope it doesn't last a day longer than necessary.


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