Rain, Rain

It is Thanksgiving eve and we are having a downpour.

The total rain we have had so for is 0.21 inches FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR!

We desperately need this rain.

But tomorrow I am having 18 people come for a huge meal. My house is 900 sq. ft. I was counting on some outside access especially for the kidlets. Not sure how this is going to go but I'll put on my happy face and try to make the very best of it.

The dogs, who are still trying to kill each other, are taken care of. Scruffy is going visiting with a lady who takes dogs in for a price. That way we don't have to worry about someone accidentally letting a dog loose. I would hate for the little ones to have to watch it. It's quite traumatizing.

My boy from Portland is here with his partner and my boy from San Francisco will be here in a few short hours. Aside for the fact that they must stay in a leaky, cold garage, I am happy.

My man is joyfully cooking.

Wishing you a great day and a wonderful holiday if you are celebrating.


  1. well there is nothing better than playing in the rain as a kid...but it makes for muddy floors. :-)
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved one!

    1. True true....not sure I could handle the mud with that many people but maybe I could try :)

  2. Pouring here too in Humboldt County. Such wild weather for Thanksgiving. Hope yoour holiday celebration is lovely and full of joy and good cheer.

  3. We had some serious sun today which was welcomed. Sounds like you'll have plenty of company tomorrow and new memories to cherish. I wish you and everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

    We do celebrate Thanksgiving. We have chicken because you don't find those big turkeys here. Anyway, it would be too much food for the two of us and would take about a day to cook it. The ovens are small and a large turkey would be way too big to fit. :)

  4. All shall be well. Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving with your tribe.


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