Bonjour Mes Amis

Today’s affirmation:

On this day, if I do something imperfectly, I will remember that I also do a lot of things right. I have many reasons to be proud of myself. 

To that I say amen. 

Up long before the sun, so I got to watch it rise to greet me with a warm smile. 


  1. I love the beach, pretty photo. We're all imperfect beings that do good too.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Linda

  2. I feel such peace from that scene, Linda.

  3. A beautiful sunrise there.

  4. Important reminder. Thank you so much.

  5. Linda, do you live on water, or just close to it. Because if you do live on water - this is your backyard, could I please be a roommate? I clean well, I am neat and I can be fun or boring whichever you wish. :-) I am perfectly imperfect but a good roommate :-)


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