A New Morning

This morning I feel sad and a little heartbroken but it’s ok. People will often let you down but right now I have my beach on this chilly, breezy morning. I have my own company which isn’t half bad. I am remembering that I deserve to be honored, to be treated well and to be true to myself. I will do what I need to do this morning and while I do, I will share a little of my beach with you. 

Hope yours is a fantastic day. 


  1. Oh thank you for the share. This is nirvana for me. I am a water girl. And right now I am landlocked.
    I hope this beach brings you peace and clarity. I will be watching this over and over again. :-) Thank you!

  2. Thanks for sharing your beach today, Linda. I needed it. I can’t get warm!

  3. Thank you for your beach. I would love to live by the sea again.
    I hope the day brings/brought you some good things.

  4. ooooooooooooh, I LOVE the beach; it's so relaxing. have a good chocolate bar (no rubbish). pet a dog. you are beautiful!

  5. I'm sorry you're feeling heartbroken. The beach is the best balance and balm for the heart.

  6. Heartbreak is never fun but I'm grateful you have a place where you can go and feel peaceful. I hope whatever it is may be just misunderstanding or temporary sadness and your heart will heal soon.

  7. Thanks for sharing your beautiful beach, it looks so peaceful. Hope your day is a good one too.


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