They Are Back

I have mentioned in previous blogs that I love the Santa Ana winds. They come, once or twice, every year and with them, the heat rises. As I left the house this morning, the wind is blowing and leaves are everywhere. Though strong, they have not been especially destructive here in town.

I opened the door to leave for work. It’s still quite dark. Ole Santa Ana, she grabbed that door from my hand and whipped it with a warm gust. Leaves and twigs whirled around me as if I was Marilyn Monroe standing above grate in Manhattan. I shut the door and walked to the car, noticing a branch here and a palm frond there. I think it’s the wonderful warmth within the exhilarating force that pulls me in every year.

Unfortunately, it is also these winds that helped fan the flames of the Thomas fire that started before Christmas of 2017 and burned until mid January 2018, and destroyed a good part of this county. And they had a hand in the Woolsey fire the happened just one year later, again devastating the community.

So while my body feels heady and alive, my heart knows that there is danger.

I also recognize that there are probably quite a few citizens that didn’t sleep a wink last night. Many people we know are just getting in or just finishing the last touches on the houses they are building to replace the ones they lost in 2017. I hope everyone is ok today.

UPDATE apparently there are a number of fires going in nearby cities. My heart goes out to all. 


  1. I love the Marilyn Monroe analogy. I will keep thinking good thoughts that the fires that have started will be quickly put out. It must be a terrible time for those of you in wildfire area.

  2. Are you in the zone where they cut the electricity off?

  3. I don't think I could live there ever. fires, earthquakes, mudslides...too much!

  4. I hope lives aren’t at risk anywhere there, Linda.


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