Here's Looking At You, Kid.....


Imperfection and perfection go so hand in hand, and our dark and our light are so intertwined, that by trying to push the darkness or negative aspects of our life to the side...we are preventing ourselves from the fullness of life.
The twisted idea of perfectionism has a been around for quite awhile. I'm no expert but I think the women's movement of the 70's had a little hand in that destructive practice by implying we could have it all. I was one of those who tried to have a satisfying career, a perfect house, well adapted children doing fantastic in school, a good marriage, being connected in my church, etc. It's a path of self delusion and disappointment.

The new perfectionism is far more heinous and ugly. I see it in women of all ages but it especially afflicts the young. The creation of perfection on social media and the way the young chase it down through lifestyle and body alterations and then doing the exact same thing themselves by presenting selfies of their bodies from the perfect angle or have a blast with friends. A vicious cycle of fiction and fantasy.

One of the saddest results of this perfectionism is this thing people (mostly women) are doing to their faces. Especially in more affluent areas, you will find women who look sickenly like marionette puppets. They cut into, poke and prod so much stuff in their face they become an oddity that makes an observer need to kind of stare and wonder, "What are you thinking?".

I could name 7 or 8 actors or singers, right off the bat, that have done it. Not just a little facelift or botox but the whole nine yards of not quite looking human. I am saddened by it.

Shame we women can't have a REAL women's movement that allows us to be flawed, human, age and still love ourselves and each other. I hate the words, "Wow, she hasn't aged well".

I love the above quote and the idea of embracing ourselves completely. The good and the bad, the dark and the light......the smooth and the wrinkled.

Have a fantastic Tuesday.


  1. I saw Maria Shriver on TV and she has had a lot of work and injections and it is hard to hear her, I just stare at her face. It is sad that we feel we need to do this. I understand it. I think I'd do somethings if I could afford to. But I can't. So I look at my face daily and can't believe what I see. Thankfully my husbands eyesight isn't what it used to be as well so he still thinks I am cute, poor guy. Cute is long gone and in my rear view mirror. But otherwise I'm still have a fire behind these eyes and I'm a damn great catch, friend, sister and daughter. If you can see past the older face and body then you'll be my friend. Besides standing with me will be fun and we'll laugh a lot and look younger from that alone! :-)

    1. I understand it too.

      It's so funny that you say that about "cute". I am so far from cute and yet Boy Scout will say that and I just laugh at him. And I agree.....You are a great catch.

  2. I hear you, sister. Couldn’t agree more. Wrinkles are well earned. I am proud of mine.

    1. I am learning to love them. I am glad I have some coattails to ride on.

  3. It's sad that some people still want to look young and would pay to have their faces or whatever altered to look younger. Think about all the people that didn't have the opportunity to live as long as we have. Some of the photos I see of people who had facelifts look absolutely nightmarish. I'll just take what I got and be thankful I am still living and healthy. :)

  4. We were watching something the other night -- can't remember what -- and Rick said, "What has she done with her face?" Whomever it was looked so tight, so pulled back. I'm sure it's an effort to look young but the effect was just the opposite. I'd rather not have multiple chins or the "eleven" wrinkles atop my nose but I worked hard for those wrinkles; I had a life for them; I earned them. (The chins are just negligence!) But they're my chins. And if they go away it's because I'll have to work really hard at it -- harder than I want to work! And I'm OK with them. My choice. Beautiful post and well stated.


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