Why Thank You.....Thank You Very Much

Personal growth, for me, is where I have the ability to ignore my brain, let those dark thoughts come in and the breeze right back out again, and remain myself with self love and integrity intact.

I am not my thoughts and my thoughts are not me. I am my love, my actions and the way I walk through this world.

I used to call myself a bitch because my thoughts can be pretty darn bitchy. When I look at how I interact with people and the way I care for this planet, I am really not so bitchy after all. I am honoring my Higher Power, my God as it is, by being a good steward, being present and by gratitude for being here and noticing its magnificence. Even in hard times, when it is a habit, one can find something beautiful.


  1. We all get thoughts that are pretty darned bitchy. It's what we do with them -- and with our lives that changes the picture. Bravo to you.

  2. It's a good thing no one can read our minds, eh?

  3. It's hard work this personal growth, isn't it? Taming my brain, still working on it, although I have improved radically since I was a young woman, just not as calm as I would like to be. The funny thing is, the young nurses at work think I'm a very calm person, especially in a crisis. Inside, everything is swirling.

  4. Yes, Life has so much Beauty but not everyone sees it. Dark thoughts and keeping them in check can be Work, but I suppose everyone suffers from them to some degree, some more than others. When someone is indeed Bitchy I try not to react in kind, we never know the back story of everyone we meet, if we did perhaps we'd be Kinder towards them. So many Tortured Souls out there and Life can be difficult for so many who cannot Cope appropriately. This was a very Encouraging Post!


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