BRRRRRR! It's Cold In Here.

The Boy Scout broke 3 ribs during yet another dog fight.

I am not a good nurse and he is not the best patient.

Pray for me

Just kidding.....I'm taking pretty good care of him.


  1. A dog fight as in with a big dog? Sounds awful. I've had broken ribs and they are NOT FUN! I know you'll be a great nurse.

    Did I miss your birthday? I hope it was happy (and no dog fights too.)

    1. Unfortunately, our two dogs are fighting. Bad! He was breaking them up and fell.

  2. Happy belated Birthday and I can so relate to the Empathy memes... I don't make a good Nurse either and yet here I am a full time Caregiver to The Man and the last Grandchild I'm raising! Perhaps they are meant to exercise my Empathy, I dunno? *Winks*

    1. It can be hard to make the best of it but I’m trying.

  3. You'll be fine and it will be easier as he recovers and gets better.

  4. Things like that make me very sad. Dogs can get mad just like humans, so people have to be careful.
    Wishing your Boy Scout a quick recovery! I'm sure you make a good, dedicated nurse.

  5. My mother fell and broke a rib. It can be quite painful if her experience is typical. Healing can be slow. You’ll do well I’m sure!

  6. I didn't understand the dog fight reference but then read your comments. Poor guy. Ribs hurt because you use them all day long, for everything. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

  7. Or men are the worst when sick or injured! I'm sending special vibes for healing for the boy scout. I'm sending you a plane ticket ….tee hee

  8. Hope all goes well for the Boy Scout and you. Take care there.


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