A Sad Bit Of News

The Boy Scout's 5 broken ribs are on the mend.....slowly. Probably due to his advanced age 😉

It's been a frustrating, encouraging, hard learning experience. Since we've only been together for a little over 4 years, there are still things that we have to learn about each other. This has gone better than I imagined, mainly due to the fact that we both are working hard at emotional growth and being loving, supportive partners. This is all new and goes hand in hand with the ACA program we are both doing.

Finally, we are looking for a good home for the best dog I ever owned. Life with these two has become unmanageable. The puppy is now spending way too much time outside alone. The old girl spends way too much time in the house. And we are left trying to avoid another dog fight, another large vet bill, another trip to the hospital, another broken bone.

I cannot give up the Frenchie. She is old, she smells bad, snores horribly, and she adores me...it would not be fair. So our sweet girl Scruffy will need a home. It is heartbreaking.
Me and our girl

The Grumpy old lady

From better days when they were friends


  1. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. Sometimes the right thing to do is so hard, isn't it? But you're doing the right thing. As long as you find a good home for Scruffy, she should adjust just fine and can go on to be very happy. We once adopted a 7 year old cocker spaniel after his owner died, and he blossomed and thrived after we welcomed him into our home! Good luck, and hugs to you.

  2. I'm sad for you. Hoping for the best for Scruffy.

  3. scruffy will find a good home with your help. good to hear the boy scout is on the mend.

  4. I'm so sorry you have to say goodbye to Scruffy. She's awfully cute; I have a feeling he'll do well and you won't just accept anyone.

  5. Sad news about Scruffy. I know you will find a good home for her.

  6. So sorry to hear this but I totally understand. It's hard but Scuffy will thrive in a new and loving home.

  7. Tough decision! It will be better in the long run I imagine. Hope you can find a good home for the pup.

  8. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that there was no way to reconcile the relationship between these two! Often for an older Pet it is too difficult to adjust to the newer and usually livelier and more spirited younger animal. We have an Old Cat, at one time when she was much Younger we owned more than one Cat and they were all Working Cats. Now that she's Old tho' and outlived all of the others, we find that any 'visiting' Cat to her territory is met with very violent fights! Since the other Cats aren't even ours I am guarded about her outside time now, even tho' she's never been a totally inside animal. She's getting used to spending more of her Old Age indoors... and for her safety, and because there are predatory animals this close to the Desert, it's best she remain our only Pet and spend more time in than out now. I Pray your scruffy Girl finds another Loving Family to call her own!


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