A Great View.

September has always been a busy month. I was born on the 14th, my two boys on the 27th and the 9th and my bonus girl on the 5th. When I was still married, there was also our anniversary. Now that the kids are grown, the marriage is gone, and there is no longer a big deal made about birthdays, the pressure is way off. It also means I don't go into the Christmas holidays already in debt, which I often did in the early years.

September has come and is now going quietly and I welcome October with a full heart. Life keeps getting better as I heal from the past and embrace, instead of fight, the unknown future. I am also thrilled to watch my man grow and take responsibility for himself in new ways.

Life is what I decide it will be. It has its ups and downs but I get to choose how I wear those. I can cloak myself with the sadness and misfortune and miss the good or I can shed the cloak and see the beauty while weathering the storms. Same life, different perspective. It's how I look at it.
The town I love. A pretty good view.


  1. Beautiful photo, a peaceful scene. I like it!

  2. It really is how you look at it, Linda.

  3. You seem to be in a good place. It makes me happy to read this post.

  4. Isn't it wonderful to be able to look at your life -- especially after a busy month -- and say "Life is getting better." Talk about a great gift.


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